The Very Dental Podcast Network

We open up the podcast with a fitting tribute to DMX (maybe only marginally fitting). As an aside Zach would also like to use this space since we won't talk about it on the podcast to also give a tribute to the passing of Shock G from Digital Underground, as the Sex Packets album was his first "Parental Advisory" cassette as a youth.

After a cringe-worthy DMX vs. Shakespeare discussion we immediately get into our clinical topic: Routines

How do you settle on the way you do a procedure?   I suspect 10 different dentists would do the same procedure 10 different ways... why?  And how do you decide on what you do?

Well that's what we talk about. Crowns, operative..and much much more.

3 dentists, 3 completely different systems. Fully digital, semi-digital, analog. There's room for everyone.

Thanks for listening and we'll see you next week.

Direct download: CHP_92_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EDT