The Very Dental Podcast Network

Jason and Alan are joined by a panel of experts to talk about bonding and composite restorations! Our Brain Trust panel consists of podcasting rock star Dr. Joshua Austin of the Working Interferences podcast, Dr. Marc Geissberger and Dr. Adam Hodges!

We delve into everything about bonding in this round table! Some highlights:

  • How should we treat composite differently than other materials?
  • What's better about composite now than 10-15 years ago?
  • The evolution of bonding simpler better?
  • Total etch vs. selective etch vs self etch
  • How can you maximize enamel engagement in your preps?
  • What are the properties of newer composites, including the newer bulk fills?
  • How do you evaluate information about materials? Who is a good source of information?

If you have any questions for us or for our panel of experts, drop us a line at!

Links from the show:

Premier Dental Two Striper 204.3.5f (for occlusal preparations)

Josh Austin's article on Instagram: Porn for Your Practice: Make Yourself Miserable with Social Media

3M Filtek One (bulk fill)

3M Filtek Supreme Ultra

The "weapons grade" 3M Deep Cure S

Clinical Hack of the Week: adjusting occlusion when you aren't changing the bite.

Almore Shimstock

The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has almost 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at info@dentalhacks.comGo check out the Dental Success Network! Jason and Alan are part of this amazing 3 pronged network: social network, CE network and buying network! Sign up and let them know the Dental Hacks sent you by using our code: DHN!

Mirror Image is really good provisional crown material. Fast setting, easy trimming, great colors and holds a great polish. We're huge fans. But can get it in 10ml syringes! No longer are you limited to the big impression gun sizes! So go check out Mirror Image provisional material in 50ml cartridges or 10ml syringes at

Go Hack Yourself:

Alan: Dreamland: The True Tale of American's Opiate Epidemic, by Sam Quinones

If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the DentalHacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:!

If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation

Direct download: Dental_Hacks_ep_200.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Jason and Alan are joined by Dr. Mark Costes of the Dentalpreneur Podcast and Dr. Justin Moody of the Dentists, Implants and Worms podcast to announce that registration for the Voices of Dentistry 2019 is now open!

Go register at right this very second! $300 Deep Discount Savings if you sign up right now!

The Voices of Dentistry is the most innovative and fun dental meeting in the world! It will be held at the DoubleTree resort in Scottsdale, AZ on January 25-26th of 2019! We expect the rooms to sell out quickly, so go register and get your room today!

Direct download: VoD_kickoff_upload_this_one.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 4:00am EST