The Very Dental Podcast Network

Welcome to season 1, episode 22 of the Clinical Hacks Podcast

Kevin sits this one out this week to wash his hair while Mac and Zach talk to Colin Lathrop.

Colin has been really active in the Clinical Hacks FB group with posts about composite rehabs and other cool tricks and hacks.

- How did Colin get into dentistry?

- How do you talk to patients about big case dentistry?

- What courses do you take to get there?

- Treat everyone who comes into your office nicely, you never know who might refer that next big case!

- Ortho/restorative combo cases are where it's at.


If you want to interact with us, head over to the closed Facebook Group Clinical Hacks

We want to produce episodes about the questions you have, it's a great place to post a clinical topic, you don't even have to post a photo!

Direct download: CHP_ep_22_mixdown_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EST