The Very Dental Podcast Network

Welcome to season 1, episode 24 of the Clinical Hacks Podcast

This week Kevin flies solo again and interviews the legend himself Dr Wade Pilling about full mouth rehabilitations.

Highlights include:

- Kevin begs Wade to come to VOD 2020

  • Wade does helicopter skiing, Kevin does not, but he does ski!
  • Wade went to dental school in Louisville Kentucky and practices near Boise Idaho
  • Wade markets to patients to get them motivated for FMRs
  • A lot of FMR patients need orthodontics first
  • Periodontics is important in FMR
  • The records appointment is the most important
  • Photos, Panadent face bow, bite registrations and mock ups with composite.
  • Show the patient their mock up in their own mouth
  • Here is a link to Wade’s course in  2020

Mac Jones word count:  0

Zach Meiners word count :0

 If you want to interact with us, head over to the closed Facebook Group Clinical Hacks

We want to produce episodes about the questions you have, it’s a great place to post a clinical topic, you don’t even have to post a photo!

Direct download: CHP_24_mixdown_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 1:00am EST