The Very Dental Podcast Network

We're back with the endodontic series and we're ready to bust out our rotary files.

But you even play video games bro? Well Kevin used to and he had a pretty big obsession with Princess Peach. Zach learned everything he knows about football from the original Tecmo Bowl and like the Final Fantasy purist he is, he wishes you could just cast a Cure spell rather than have to do some fillings. Would you like to see Zach and Kevin play Blades of Steel against each other online? Why isn't this possible in 2020...or is it?

Kevin is using a new Woodpecker AI motor.  and is enjoying it.

Zach uses a Woodpecker 3 apex locator.

Kevin uses mostly the Edge Endo GTX System.

Zach uses the Edgetaper Platinum System.

Don't miss out on the glidepath files for small canals.

What irrigants do we use?   How about file lubes?  (yes, we said lube).

Is rotary endo too fast? How do we make sure the irrigants sit long enough?

We're getting closer and closer to finishing this root canal...check back next week when we get to obturating this tooth!


Direct download: aCHP_72_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST