The Very Dental Podcast Network

In this riveting episode, each of the Very Clinical guys discusses their methods for doing basic extractions.

Highlights today include:

  • Mac and Kevin are talented at extractions and do it all
  • Zach's not a huge fan of extractions, can the guys give him some tips to up his game?
  • The gang each share how they'd take out a tooth #19 from start to finish
  • Opioids?  Are we part of the solution or contributing to the problem?

Products or techniques discussed by each hack:


Double block with Septocaine

#23 Forceps

PGA Sutures

Dr. Pimple Popper


Block with Lido, Septo infiltration

301T Elevator

A. Titan forcep


600 mg of Ibuprofen + 1 Extra Strength Tylenol = great pain relief

PTFE Suture

Make the Root Smaller or the Hole Bigger



Learning Minor Oral Surgery

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We want to produce episodes about the questions you have, it's a great place to post a clinical topic, you don't even have to post a photo!

Direct download: Very_Clinical_Redux_on_extractions-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST