The Very Dental Podcast Network

The one and only Toothlife.Irene (aka: Irene Iancu) joined Kevin and Zach at Voices of Dentistry to run the gauntlet!

The questions:

  • How did COVID affect your practice?
  • You have to have a crown on #2...what material do you choose?
  • Did you/would you place sealant on your own children?
  • Your significant other needs ortho...wires/brackets or aligners?
  • If your own #29 needed endo/core and crown/crown lengthening, would you do it or go right to an implant?
  • If your significant other had a slight diastema between 8 and 9 would you suggest ortho, resin or porcelain?

Be sure to check out Irene's Instagram and her amazing podcast, Tooth or Dare

Check out the Very Clinical Facebook group!

If you'd like to support the Very Dental Podcast Network then you should support our sponsors! 

Zirc Dental Products’ Color Method will rescue your team from clinical clutter and disorganization and if you use the coupon code “VERYDENTAL” to get 50% off their most popular level of organizational consultation. You’ll have a box of all the different trays, tubs, cassettes and other goodies sent ot your office and then have an in depth conversation with one of Zirc’s clinical efficiency specialists to help you choose what’s best for your office!  So head over to and use coupon code “VERYDENTAL” to get 50% off Color Method consultation!

Come join me in Chicago on May 19-20th for "Catch the Composite Wave and Surf its Potential" at Cosmedent! You'll get lots of face time with two amazing instructors: Dr. Buddy Mopper and Dr. Dennis Hartlieb! There are a few seats left, so come take a class with me!

You won’t believe all the changes and advances they’re having over at CAD-Ray!  Now you can get the i700 in WIRELESS! Yes, you heard me correctly, all the goodness of the Medit i700 now is now available with no cables! The i700 wireless is available NOW from CAD-Ray and it ships immediately! If you’ve been waiting for a wireless intraoral scanning solution, your wait is over! Go check out CAD-Ray at or

Our friends at Enova Illumination have your magnification and lighting needs all figured out. Whether you’re looking at new loupes, a surgical headlight like no other or the amazing line of Zumax microscopes, Enova Illumination has you covered! Go check them out at and take advantage of the discounts they have for Very Dental Podcast Network listeners!

Do you need help with a logo, website design or anything marketing? Our friends at Wonderist can definitely help! Keep your eyes open for the updated Very Dental Podcast website coming soon! It’s amazing and it was designed by the pros at the Wonderist Agency! Want more information? Go check them out at!

Do you want an easy way to support the Very Dental Podcast network? Go check out the monthly deals from our friends at Crazy Dental! Each month Crazy Dental will be offering high value coupons on the product you’re using most! Head over to to see the monthly deals they have in store for you!


Direct download: Very_Clinical_5.3.2022_mixdown-processed_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST