The Very Dental Podcast Network

This throwback episode features Dr. John Burgess. I heard of his recent passing and thought it would be very appropriate to replay a spectacular interview I was privileged to have with him back in 2022.

Do you have advice that you've heard that you use on almost every single procedure? I do. And it came from today's guest, Dr. John Burgess.

Dr. Burgess is the assistant Dean for Clinical Research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham as well as Director of the Graduate Biomaterials Program and was recently featured on the main stage at the Spear Summit 2022. 

But I heard John at the Spring Vedder society meeting some years back and some of the things he said have stayed with me to this day. It was a true pleasure to get to talk with John about what he does, how materials research should be done and how dentists can be better at understanding materials.

  • How does someone get in to biomaterials research?
  • Clinical research at LSU
  • How to find unbiased do we evaluate literature?
  • Is the research measuring what they think it's measuring?
  • Bevels on posterior composites? How do we test this? (spoiler alert: don't bevel occlusal margins)
  • The best material is "abuse tolerant."
  • How do patients get screened for clinical research?
  • NCCLs (noncarious cervical lesions) and the controversy surrounding them
  • New chemistry
  • Read the instructions more often than you think you should!
  • "Dentists don't read"
  • Manufacturers take their instructions very should, too.
  • Burgess on zirconia
  • Designing research equipment on a napkin
  • Zirconia is very kind to the opposing when polished
  • Cementing zirconia crowns
  • Cement removal...he REALLY likes Panavia SA Universal
  • Polish vs. glaze on zirconia (glaze facial on premolars)
  • The power of a credible speaker and disclosure of honoraria

Some links from the show:

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook" or "McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb!"

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “VERYDENTAL10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!

Direct download: Very_Dental_5.31.2024_mixdown-processed_01.mp3
Category:Very Dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

If you've been practicing dentistry for awhile, you've probably changed your mind about some stuff. Today's episode starts an interesting series for Zach and Kevin where they talk to some experienced dentists about what things they've changed their mind about over the years. Today's episode features a discussion with Al about some things we've changed our minds about clinically!

  • Al has changed his mind about where to place margins. Now, he aims for equigingival margins vs. below the gingiva.
  • Kevin changed his mind about specialty procedures for general dentists (implants, ortho, sleep, etc.)
  • Kevin changed his mind about how soon to get a CBCT (seeing things in 3D).
  • Zach changed his mind about sectioning teeth (he does it much sooner). "Atraumatic extractions start with the handpiece."
  • Al has changed his mind about how soon he goes to an indirect restoration (go to indirect sooner).
  • Zach changed his mind about digital dentistry.

Become a member of the Very Clinical Facebook group! 

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook," McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb."

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “verydental10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!



Direct download: VC_5.28.2024_mixdown-processed_01.mp3
Category:Very Clinical -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Are there things you can do to make the day to day dental grind a little bit more fun? A little bit less of a grind? Would that make your day a little better? I think yes! 

Al discusses how adding "upgrades" to your day to day dentistry is good for your mental health and doesn't have to cost a bunch of $$$.

Some links from the show:

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook" or "McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb!"

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “VERYDENTAL10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!


Direct download: AME_5.27.2024_mixdown-processed_01.mp3
Category:Alan Mead Experience -- posted at: 5:00am EST

In today's throwback episode, Alan welcomes back Amy Morgan, the VP of Practice Growth Strategies for Spear Education. Way back in September of 2022, Al had the chance to talk with Amy about dental hygiene, bouncing back from COVID and a whole lot of other stuff. This episode has so much good stuff in it that I thought it was time to offer it back up!

"...a hygiene dollar, even in the best of times, has at best a 15-20% profit margin. A doctor dollar has up to 60%..."
-Amy Morgan

Amy Morgan will give you 52% clinical excellence. But she wants 48% for business excellence! Amy joined Spear in 2018 as Vice President of Consulting Strategy. For more than 25 years as a She's been a consultant and trainer for more than 25 years and is the former CEO of Pride Institute. 

Some of the topics they covered include:

  • How did Spear quickly retool for the COVID crisis? Is she over Zoom?
  • Once the "fight or flight" crisis was over, what did Amy and Spear Education learn?
  •  "The Great Hygiene Migration"
  • What's the strategy for the lack of hygienists? (spoiler: you can't wish for something that's not there)
  • Healthy patients vs. less healthy patients
  • Doctors should NOT be doing hygiene
  • Embrace your inner hypochondriac
  • What do you do for COVID no-shows? (RFR..."reason for return")
  • Having patient sign their financial commitments ("we hold this spot for YOU")
  • "Lost time fee" vs. "missed appointment fee" (you can have that one for free!)
  • "It's OK to not like people"
  • Paying your team well is important, but you need to know how to do it right.
  • "Don't chase behaviors but question beliefs"
  • How does a team member show their value objectively?
  • Variable component of pay: quarterly bonuses paid out over a quarter
  • A very fat pitch for Spear Practice Solutions!
  • A specific hygiene formula: hygiene wages should range 30-40% of their production

Some links from the show: 

Go get your ticket and your room for Voices of Dentistry 2023!

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook," "McWethy" or "Lipscomb!"

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Direct download: Very_Dental_5.24.2024_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:Very Dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

This throwback episode features Kevin and Zach expanding on the idea of improving your verbal skills!

Some links from the show:


Become a member of the Very Clinical Facebook group! 

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook," McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb."

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “verydental10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!


Direct download: Very_Clinical_05_21_2024_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:Very Clinical -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Al discusses an amazing Facebook group thread about what to do when you feel like you're doing an awful job. Inspired by a recent bad outcome, Al has a GREAT story that's going to make you feel better about your clinical abilities!

Some links from the show:

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook" or "McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb!"

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “VERYDENTAL10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!


Direct download: AME_5.20.2024_mixdown-processed_01.mp3
Category:Alan Mead Experience -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Al is joined by Youtube sensation, Dr. Ash Mark! Ash has joined the Very Clinical crew many times but this is the first time Al sat down to talk dentistry. 

  • On being a hockey dad
  • How the Youtube channel started
  • All Things Dentistry is like dental school on Youtube
  • Driving a minivan vs. a race car
  • Lots of mistakes = lots of practice = a gift
  • Ash feels no pressure to put out video content
  • Two content creators talking about the process
  • Two reasons for a microscope (he was voluntold in residency)
  • Does Ash record everything? 
  • Real dentistry vs. Instagram dentistry
  • People don't want to have dentistry done (efficient...don't waste your patient's time)
  • Profound anesthesia required
  • Is endo the most "given up" procedure? Hard to dabble.
  • Stress test your endo files on extracted teeth!
  • Extracted teeth are harder to come by due to ridge preservation
  • The pros and cons of Youtube

Some links from the show:

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook" or "McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb!"

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “VERYDENTAL10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!

Direct download: Very_Dental_5.17.2024_mixdown-processed_01.mp3
Category:Very Dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Zach and Kevin welcome back Dr. Jessica Merhar to talk about preventing and dealing with the pain that comes with our job!

  • Core strength is great, but our pain has more to do with movement
  •  Strong muscles can handle forces better than weak muscles
  • You don't need a LOT of exercises. You need effective exercises that you will do!
  • Use a sauna
  • What Kevin is doing
  • What Zach is doing
  • Lift heavy!

Some links from the show:

Become a member of the Very Clinical Facebook group! 

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook," McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb."

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “verydental10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!


Direct download: VC_5.14.2024_mixdown-processed_01.mp3
Category:Very Clinical -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Mohammed is joined by Dr. Andrew Clingan, a 2023 grad of UAB and a practice owner right out of school!

Mohammed and Andrew discussed Andrew's dental school experience moving directly into practice ownership. Andrew has had an entrepreneurial streak all through school and he interned with the Shared Practices crew in dental school.

  • Who is a good candidate for early practice ownership?
  • If at all possible, know what you want as a new grad
  • Mailers and off market practices
  • Practice acquisition philosophy
  • Finding the diamond in the rough
  • Transitioning from the "old guy" to the "new guy."
  • Attrition expectations (patients and team)
  • Financing as a new grad
  • Would he do it again?

Some links from the show:

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook" or "McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb!"

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “VERYDENTAL10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!


Direct download: Very_Dental_Student_5.13.2024_mixdown-processed_01.mp3
Category:Very Dental Student -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Back at the Chicago Midwinter Al talked with Justin Lee of 3Shape. 

  • Trios used to be "the $50,000 scanner"
  • Trios 5 is wireless and retail priced at $26k or so
  • New AI software makes scanning nearly idiotproof
  • Using a wireless scanner on Wifi!
  • AI design software!

Some links from the show:

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook" or "McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb!"

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “VERYDENTAL10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!

Direct download: Very_Dental_5.10..2024_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:Very Dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Dentists are prone to neck and back pain. It comes with the job. But are there things you can do!

Kevin and Zach bring on Dr. Jessica Merhar, a physical therapist trained in the McKenzie Method! 

  • Oof...repetitive movements
  • Prevention is key...movement and balance
  • Increased stiffness/soreness happens before injury
  • Directional preference and patient response
  • Each patient will have a specific preference of balancing movement!
  • Our body likes a neutral spine

Some links from the show:

Become a member of the Very Clinical Facebook group! 

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook," McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb."

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “verydental10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!


Direct download: episode_VC_5.7.2024_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:Very Clinical -- posted at: 9:30am EST

Recently I got a terrific query from a dental student. I decided to put it in the Very Dental Facebook group for discussion and here are some of the answers we got!

"For my final in our program I’m doing an academic enquiry/ presentation on high rates of burnout in dentistry. As a dentist have you ever felt burned out? If so what did you do to overcome it? If you haven’t, why do you think that is? If you were to give advice to young students/dentists on how to manage a career in dentistry and to avoid burnout what would it be."

One answer worth highlighting was from Dr. Deanna Snitzer:

1) the faster you learn to stop caring about the teeth more than the patient cares about them the better.
2) find the type of work you like to do: do more of that
3) don’t tolerate people treating you like shit. (Patients, staff, anyone really). No one is irreplaceable in your life but you.. not a patient, not a hygienist, not anyone.
4) delegate. If there’s something you don’t like to do - allow someone else to take care of that for you. This may be professional or personal. 
5) you can’t (and shouldn’t) be everyone’s dentist.
6) if you ask 10 dentists the best way to do something you’ll get 11 answers. Find a way that works for you and do it that way.
7) you’ll never regret firing someone - you’ll just regret not doing it sooner. This applies to basically anyone in your life… 
8 ) take vacations. Believe it or not people will survive if you’re gone for a few days.
9) “Dentist”  is what you do for a living. It isn’t WHO YOU ARE. Spend equal amounts of energy developing your life outside your office as you spend inside it.
10) don’t forget they’re really just teeth. Pretty much no one is dying in our chair.

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook" or "McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb!"

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “VERYDENTAL10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!


Direct download: AME_5.6.2024_mixdown-processed_01.mp3
Category:Alan Mead Experience -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Today's throwback episode features Dr. Marianna Evans! Al spoke with her at the Spear Summit back in 2022 and her message was so good, you should hear it again! 

Marianna Evans is a dual specialty trained (perio/ortho) dentist who practices outside of Philadelphia! Marianna presented on the main stage at the 2022 Spear Summit on diagnosing and identifying the hypoplastic maxilla. Marianna's practice has a strong focus on treating the airway in children and they had a wide ranging conversation about airway, early orthodontic intervention and the "why" of airway developmental problems. 

  • How can you help your orthodontist to embrace an airway paradigm shift?
  • Taking one case at a time with your interdisciplinary team 
  • Focusing on evidence based medicine and dentistry
  • How CBCT changed how we think about orthodontics and airway
  • Much of the "airway literature" is in ENT journals, less in dental/ortho journals
  • How Marianna's network influenced the way she practices (in the same building as a pediatric sleep doctor!)
  • Marianna sees patients from age 0 to 75!
  • Why do we see airway problems now? Marianna has thoughts!
  • Knowledge problems vs. execution problems

Some links from the show:

Join the Very Dental Facebook group using the password "Timmerman," Hornbrook" or "McWethy," "Papa Randy" or "Lipscomb!"

The Very Dental Podcast network is and will remain free to download. If you’d like to support the shows you love at Very Dental then show a little love to the people that support us!


Crazy Dental has everything you need from cotton rolls to equipment and everything in between and the best prices you’ll find anywhere! If you head over to and use coupon code “VERYDENTAL10” you’ll get another 10% off your order! Go save yourself some money and support the show all at the same time!


The Wonderist Agency is basically a one stop shop for marketing your practice and your brand. From logo redesign to a full service marketing plan, the folks at Wonderist have you covered! Go check them out at!


Enova Illumination makes the very best in loupes and headlights, including their new ergonomic angled prism loupes! They also distribute loupe mounted cameras and even the amazing line of Zumax microscopes! If you want to help out the podcast while upping your magnification and headlight game, you need to head over to to see their whole line of products!


CAD-Ray offers the best service on a wide variety of digital scanners, printers, mills and even  their very own browser based design software, Clinux! CAD-Ray has been a huge supporter of the Very Dental Podcast Network and I can tell you that you’ll get no better service on everything digital dentistry than the folks from CAD-Ray. Go check them out at!

Direct download: Very_Dental_5.3.2024_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:Very Dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST