The Very Dental Podcast Network

In this episode, your hosts Alan Mead and Jason Lipscomb kick off a revolution in dental podcasts! Listen as they interview Seattle area cosmetic dentist Lance Timmerman about Botox treatment among other things. Then, get ready for the dental world to be turned on its ear with the DentalHacks Brain Trust. You'll hear authentic conversations between interesting and funny dentists talking about the stuff you talk about with your colleagues!

If you only download one dental podcast...this should be it!

Direct download: DentalHacks_episode_1.5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:24pm EST

We continue our interview with Seattle cosmetic dentist Dr. Lance Timmerman. Dr. Timmerman explains how he got started treating sleep apnea in his practice and how the way he treats it has changed. 

The Brain Trust returns with Dr. Jason Luchtefeld, Dr. Tammy Bailey, Dr. Dawn Kulongowski and Dr. Andy Hayes discussing sleep apnea as well as the question: "if you could go back in time and talk to yourself for five minutes just as you were entering dental school, what would you tell yourself?"

Have some laughs and learn some stuff with the latest episode of your new favorite dental podcast...The DentalHacks Podcast!

Direct download: DentalHacks_episode_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:40pm EST