Fri, 28 June 2019
Dr. Rich Rosenblatt joins Jason and Alan again to talk about the journey he made into chairside CAD-CAM. He was there when CEREC was "new" and jumped in hard! From the early days on DentalTown right up to the secretive release of the CEREC Primescan, Rich shares some great stories about how chairside CAD-CAM made his practice life better! Rich also shares with us about how he started the original CEREC study club in Chicago and the amazing evolution that has made over the years. Rich is an awesome story teller and one of our favorite guests! Some links from the show: Chicago Study Club CEREC Primescan CEREC Accept You already love Dentotemp from Itena. It's time for you to try their amazing new provisional crown and bridge material that they call Dentocrown. It's the Holy Grail of dental materials! Wouldn't you like to have a high end provisional material for 40+% off of what you'd pay for the major brands? Go check out Dentalcrown from Itena at The Isolation 360 Power Pack is like a Whitman's sampler for dental isolation! Go check out this amazing selection of isolation products from our friends at Zirc at and if you buy online you'll receive 50% off the normal $50 value! There aren’t that many things that are “shortcuts” in dentistry. But we’ve found one thing that kind of is. It’s Pink Opaque from Cosmedent! Basically, it mask dark stuff more easily and gorgeously than anything else you’ve ever tried! Endo accesses, discolored teeth, porcelain fractures (even to metal!). You name it and you can cover it with Pink Opaque! Go check it out at! The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group is approaching over 27,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at! Go Hack Yourself Alan: LG 49WL95C-@ 49-inch curved 32:9 Ultrawide monitor, Logitech MX Vertical mouse If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the Dental Hacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:! If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.
Direct download: DHP_ep_246_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Thu, 27 June 2019
A couple weeks ago, Jason Smithson joined Alan to talk about magnification. Today's episode is a fitting "part 2" of this conversation where we take a deeper dive on dental operating microscopes. We talk about the learning curve, the vital features and how we use them in restorative practice. If you liked "Smithson on Magnification," you're going to really enjoy "Smithson on Microscopes!"
Direct download: Smithson_on_microscopes_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Wed, 26 June 2019
Do you have an idea that you'd like to share with your dental colleagues? The folks at Dental Economics might like to spread the word for you! Alan talks with Dr. Chris Salierno about dental publishing and how he, as editor of Dental Economics magazine, can possibly help you publish? Hey, if Jason Lipscomb and Alan Mead can do can you! Some links from the show: The Dental Economics Principles of Practice Management meeting Dental Economics magazine [caption id="attachment_1341" align="alignleft" width="500"] A small marina stands in front of Waterplace, a shopping center in Norfolk, Virginia[/caption] The Dental Economics “Principles of Practice Management” conference is like no other meeting you’ve ever been to! It’s a limited attendance meeting of like minded people that want to learn how to run their businesses better! You get no fluff. No “sign up for my course” kind of thing. Good information delivered in a more intimate meeting environment with lots of access to the speakers! The conference is in beautiful Norfolk, VA this July 18th-19th! Get more details and sign up at The Dental Hacks Nation gets a $100 discount on the already low DE price just by using the coupon code “DENTALHACKS.” This is a limited time offer, so act now! Even better, they offer even more discounts for bringing your friends! See details on the website! Our friends at Microcopy Dental have released a bunch of new diamonds specifically for pediatric dentistry! They've got six amazing diamond shapes and grits and they all come with short shanks for pediatric dentistry! Go check out these amazing new diamonds at!
Direct download: DHD_105_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Tue, 25 June 2019
Welcome to season 1, episode 4 of the Clinical Hacks Podcast! In this riveting episode, each of the Hacks discusses their methods for doing basic crown and bridge temporaries. Highlights today include: - Kevin immediately one-ups the groups and says he's mostly Cerec and rarely makes temps, so the moral of the episode is... skip temps and mill yourself so that you can be as cool as Kevin.
- Zach, per usual has both the least expensive way of doing it and the most complicated, 3 different temp systems for a variety of scenarios.. nightmare!
- Alan, also per usual, describes the most expensive way to make a temporary possible, but also has some unique solutions for broken down teeth, listen close for some pearls!
- Kevin's Integrity
Products on the show mentioned include: Zach: Safco Dual Arch Trays for Pre-impression Safco Nice Bite Fast Set for Pre-Impression Safco Nice Temp Metal Ion Crowns for "jacked" teeth GC Alike Acrylic for long span cases or heavy bruxers on 2nd molars Temp-Bond Generic Polycarboxylate (Durelon) Alan: Clinicians Choice Temp Tray Clinicians Choice Template Mirror Image Dentotemp Cement Kevin: Blu-Mousse Integrity Temp-Bond NE (no eugenol) If you want to interact with us, head over to the closed Facebook Group Clinical Hacks We want to produce episodes about the questions you have, it's a great place to post a clinical topic, you don't even have to post a photo!
Mon, 24 June 2019
Dr. Dawn Kulongowski joins Alan again to talk about one of the more interesting things about practicing mindfulness. It's easy to forget what you've learned! Both Alan and Dawn reached point in their lives where they had to make conscious changes but one of the things that they both learned is that you have to remember what you've learned! Many times life begins to pass you by and you forget what brought you success. Dawn and Alan have an interesting and useful conversation that you're going to really enjoy! Some links from the show: Peaceful Practice (her coaching business) Stress Management and Mindfulness for Dental Professionals (her amazing Facebook group!) Our friends at Microcopy Dental have released a bunch of new diamonds specifically for pediatric dentistry! They've got six amazing diamond shapes and grits and they all come with short shanks for pediatric dentistry! Go check out these amazing new diamonds at! The Dental Economics “Principles of Practice Management” conference is like no other meeting you’ve ever been to! It’s a limited attendance meeting of like minded people that want to learn how to run their businesses better! You get no fluff. No “sign up for my course” kind of thing. Good information delivered in a more intimate meeting environment with lots of access to the speakers! The conference is in beautiful Norfolk, VA this July 18th-19th! Get more details and sign up at The Dental Hacks Nation gets a $100 discount on the already low DE price just by using the coupon code “DENTALHACKS.” This is a limited time offer, so act now! Even better, they offer even more discounts for bringing your friends! See details on the website!
Direct download: DHD_104_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Fri, 21 June 2019
So many dentists become business owners almost by accident. Yes, we expect to be high earners, but many of us don't really know what that means. We're highly trained in dentistry but we're essentially untrained in handling money. Reese Harper of Dentist Advisors understands this. His advice based financial planning services helps dentists understand the kinds of things that they should be doing and should be outsourcing to people that know better. Some links from the show: The Dentist Money Show Dentist Advisors You already love Dentotemp from Itena. It's time for you to try their amazing new provisional crown and bridge material that they call Dentocrown. It's the Holy Grail of dental materials! Wouldn't you like to have a high end provisional material for 40+% off of what you'd pay for the major brands? Go check out Dentalcrown from Itena at The Isolation 360 Power Pack is like a Whitman's sampler for dental isolation! Go check out this amazing selection of isolation products from our friends at Zirc at and if you buy online you'll receive 50% off the normal $50 value! Dr. Newton Fahl is one of the most sought after educators in all of dentistry and Cosmedent has him TWICE in July! Go check out his anterior composite course on July 11-12 at the Cosmedent CEE in Chicago and his posterior composite course on July 25-26th at! The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 26,500 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at! Go Hack Yourself Jason: Sleepyride Airplane Footrest Alan: Life is Short (with Justin Long) If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the Dental Hacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:! If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.
Direct download: DHP_245_mixdown.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 6:39am EST
Thu, 20 June 2019
Jason and Alan kick around the pros and cons of the major social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram) and how dentists are using (and abusing them). They also step back in time to discuss how the DentalTown bulletin boards and how they affected their careers before the rise of ubiquitous social media! If you have any questions or comments about the episode please email us at or better still, post it on the Dental Hacks Nation Facebook group!
Direct download: Smithson_on_Social_Media_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Wed, 19 June 2019
Dr. Jihyon Kim joins Alan again to talk about the skill sets that get lost (or never get learned in the first place) for doing direct restorations. In a world where it's much more convenient and profitable to do things indirectly, she thinks there is a place for directs in everyone's practice! Jihyon recently announced that she's leaving the Bioclear Learning Center and moving in some exciting directions! For one thing, she's making waves with her new social media presence and she'll even be presenting at the Dental Influencers Alliance (DIA) 2.0 meeting on December 6-7th at the DoubleTree in Scottsdale, AZ! Take a listen to hear about her new directions and the exciting things she wants to bring to dentistry! Some links from the show: Jihyon's Instagram Jihyon's website Jihyon's Youtube channel The Dental Influencer Alliance Our friends at Microcopy Dental have released a bunch of new diamonds specifically for pediatric dentistry! They've got six amazing diamond shapes and grits and they all come with short shanks for pediatric dentistry! Go check out these amazing new diamonds at! The Dental Economics “Principles of Practice Management” conference is like no other meeting you’ve ever been to! It’s a limited attendance meeting of like minded people that want to learn how to run their businesses better! You get no fluff. No “sign up for my course” kind of thing. Good information delivered in a more intimate meeting environment with lots of access to the speakers! The conference is in beautiful Norfolk, VA this July 18th-19th! Get more details and sign up at The Dental Hacks Nation gets a $100 discount on the already low DE price just by using the coupon code “DENTALHACKS.” This is a limited time offer, so act now! Even better, they offer even more discounts for bringing your friends! See details on the website!
Direct download: DHD_103_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Tue, 18 June 2019
Welcome to season 1, episode 3 of the Clinical Hacks Podcast! In this riveting episode, each of the Hacks discusses their methods for doing the class III anterior restoration. Highlights today include: - We all walk through doing a #7 MBL restoration, how different can 3 people do it?
- Everyday we're beveling. Alan likes big bevels, and he cannot lie.
- Is Mylar dead? We all learned Mylar in school, but do any of the hacks still use it?
- Alan describes the most expensive way possible to do a Class 3, Zach 1/10th X's that, Kevin is our middle.
Products talked about in the episode today include: Alan: Bioclear Anterior UltraEtch Snow Plow Technique (squirt flowable, plow it in with paste... hot!) Magic Mix Minnow Polisher Hi-Gloss Kevin: Triodent Matrices Sof-Lex Discs Enhance Pogo Polisher Zach: 330 Bur from DentalRee Garrison Blue View Varistrip 12 Fluted Polishing Bur from DentalRee One Step Composite Polisher If you want to interact with us, head over to the closed Facebook Group Clinical Hacks We want to produce episodes about the questions you have, it's a great place to post a clinical topic, you don't even have to post a photo!
Direct download: Clinical_Hacks_ep_3_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Mon, 17 June 2019
Almost everything we do is a huge risk for repetitive stress injury! If you don't suffer from a sore neck and back yet, you probably will at some point in your career. In DHD episode Katrina Klein joins Alan to talk about tools we can get to improve our dental ergonomics! Katrina is a hygienist, "ergonomist," personal trainer and bodybuilder which makes her eminently qualified to help dental people with their ergonomic challenges! Some of the things we talked about: - loupes and a headlamp
- saddle chairs
- two sided mirrors
- cordless instruments
- lightweight handpieces
- dental microscopes
Some links from the show: ErgoFitLife Facebook page ErgoFitLife Facebook group  You aren't born knowing how to run a business. And you probably didn't learn how in dental school, either. A great place to learn this stuff is the Dental Economics “Principles of Practice Management” conference! It’s a limited attendance meeting of like minded people that want to learn how to run their businesses better! You get no fluff. No “sign up for my course” kind of thing. Good information delivered in a more intimate meeting environment with lots of access to the speakers! The conference is in beautiful Norfolk, VA this July 18th-19th! Get more details and sign up at The Dental Hacks Nation gets a $100 discount on the already low DE price just by using the coupon code “DENTALHACKS.” This is a limited time offer, so act now! Even better, they offer even more discounts for bringing your friends! See details on the website! Our friends at Microcopy Dental have released a bunch of new diamonds specifically for pediatric dentistry! They've got six amazing diamond shapes and grits and they all come with short shanks for pediatric dentistry as well as any patient who can't (or won't!) open wide! Go check out these amazing new diamonds and request a sample at!
Direct download: DHD_102_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Fri, 14 June 2019
As the Dental Hacks approach 5 years in podcasting we are featuring one of the original members of the Dental Hacks Brain Trust, Dr. Matt Standridge! A lot has happened in those 5 years for Matt and we dig into what he's been up to in that time. For one thing, the dude has lost a lot of weight and become kind of a big deal in the low-carb/keto/primal diet internet space. He created a podcast a year or so back that allowed him to really get to know the movers and shakers in this movement! And if that wasn't enough, he's become a kind of ortho guru, too! He's an instructor with Gerety Orthodontics as well as begun working with Blue Sky Bio on some pretty cool stuff (indirect ortho bonding anyone?)! Some links from the show: The Ketodontist Podcast Gerety Orthodontic Seminars You already love Dentotemp from Itena. It's time for you to try their amazing new provisional crown and bridge material that hey call Dentocrown. Wouldn't you like to have a high end provisional material for 40+% off of what you'd pay for the major brands? Go check out Dentalcrown from Itena at The Isolation 360 Power Pack is like a Whitman's sampler for dental isolation! Go check out this amazing selection of isolation products from our friends at Zirc at and if you buy online you'll receive 50% off the normal $50 value! Dr. Newton Fahl is one of the most sought after educators in all of dentistry and Cosmedent has him TWICE in July! Go check out his anterior composite course on July 11-12 at the Cosmedent CEE in Chicago and his posterior composite course on July 25-26th at! The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 26,500 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at! Go Hack Yourself Jason: Katra (Clickfunnels alternative) Matt: use a cotton roll to measure intermaxillary width (36-38mm) Alan: Yeti 35 cooler If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the Dental Hacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:! If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.
Direct download: DHP_244_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Thu, 13 June 2019
Today's episode features a conversation about magnfication. Jason and Alan are both dental microscope users and have had interesting journeys from essentially no magnification to loupes all the way to regular use of microscopes! If you have any questions or comments about the episode please email us at or better still, post it on the Dental Hacks Nation Facebook group!
Direct download: Smithson_on_Magnification_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Wed, 12 June 2019
Dr. Josh Austin joins Alan to discuss getting reviews for your office. Should you pay a service? Josh thinks "no." He explains the systems that he uses to get lots of reviews in Google as well as Yelp (he asks for some, but not for others). We also discuss candy preferences and how Peeps and Cadbury eggs are overstepping their bounds. [caption id="attachment_1341" align="alignleft" width="500"] Al really likes black licorice, which Josh thinks is disgusting. But obviously Al lives his life on the edge while Josh sticks with boring regular candy.[/caption] You aren't born knowing how to run a business. And you probably didn't learn how in dental school, either. A great place to learn this stuff is the Dental Economics “Principles of Practice Management” conference! It’s a limited attendance meeting of like minded people that want to learn how to run their businesses better! You get no fluff. No “sign up for my course” kind of thing. Good information delivered in a more intimate meeting environment with lots of access to the speakers! The conference is in beautiful Norfolk, VA this July 18th-19th! Get more details and sign up at The Dental Hacks Nation gets a $100 discount on the already low DE price just by using the coupon code “DENTALHACKS.” This is a limited time offer, so act now! Even better, they offer even more discounts for bringing your friends! See details on the website! Our friends at Microcopy Dental have released a bunch of new diamonds specifically for pediatric dentistry! They've got six amazing diamond shapes and grits and they all come with short shanks for pediatric dentistry as well as any patient who can't (or won't!) open wide! Go check out these amazing new diamonds and request a sample at!
Direct download: DHD_101_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Tue, 11 June 2019
Welcome to season 1, episode 2 of the Clinical Hacks Podcast! In this riveting episode, each of the Hacks discusses their tissue retraction methods for crown and bridge impressions/scans. Highlights today include: - There are a lot of different ways to retract tissue, how do we do it if we're impressing? How about scanning?
- Medicaments? How many chemicals can Zach put in the mouth simultaneously just to dry things up?
- Compression caps, an inexpensive way to get some pressure hemostasis.
Products talked about in the episode: Zach Siltrax Plus Premier Retraction Caps Quick-Stat FS (generic of Astringedent) Quick-Stat Free (generic of Viscostat Clear) Alan Traxodent Aquasil Ultra Cordless Knit-Pak+ Cord Astringedent X Kevin Gingi-Aid Z-Twist Viscostat Clear Lidocaine with Epi 1:50,000 If you want to interact with us, head over to the closed Facebook Group Clinical Hacks We want to produce episodes about the questions you have, it's a great place to post a clinical topic, you don't even have to post a photo!
Direct download: Clinical_Hacks_episode_2_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Mon, 10 June 2019
Dr. Dawn Kulongowski has been a fixture of our little podcast. She's smart and funny. But did you know that she's also had a pretty amazing journey over the last several years? Dawn became a mindfulness teacher and now runs an amazing Facebook group as well as coaching dentists to train in mindfulness and meditation. In today's episode, she shares how she started her interesting side gig and how it can help you today! Some links from the show: Peaceful Practice (her coaching business) Stress Management and Mindfulness for Dental Professionals (her amazing Facebook group!) Our friends at Microcopy Dental have released a bunch of new diamonds specifically for pediatric dentistry! They've got six amazing diamond shapes and grits and they all come with short shanks for pediatric dentistry as well as any patient who can't (or won't!) open wide! Go check out these amazing new diamonds and request a sample at!  You aren't born knowing how to run a business. And you probably didn't learn how in dental school, either. A great place to learn this stuff is the Dental Economics “Principles of Practice Management” conference! It’s a limited attendance meeting of like minded people that want to learn how to run their businesses better! You get no fluff. No “sign up for my course” kind of thing. Good information delivered in a more intimate meeting environment with lots of access to the speakers! The conference is in beautiful Norfolk, VA this July 18th-19th! Get more details and sign up at The Dental Hacks Nation gets a $100 discount on the already low DE price just by using the coupon code “DENTALHACKS.” This is a limited time offer, so act now! Even better, they offer even more discounts for bringing your friends! See details on the website!
Direct download: DHD_100_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Fri, 7 June 2019
The Dental Hacks are once again joined by Dr. Lou Berman. Lou is an endodontist, one of the editors of "Pathways to the Pulp," contributor and organizer of Spear Education's Masters Series for endodontics and more recently, purveyor of amazing yet inexpensive dental instruments. We had a wide ranging conversation with Lou that covered a bunch of topics: - What's new with Spear Education and the new endo curriculum online and on campus.
- Lou tells us the amazing story of the first year of Berman Instruments!
- What innovations should we expect in the near future in endodontics?
- Lou gives us his take on the Atlantic article that's gotten under Al's skin so much.
- How can dentists make sure they understand science and research better?
Some links from the show: You already love Dentotemp from Itena. It's time for you to try their amazing new provisional crown and bridge material that hey call Dentocrown. Wouldn't you like to have a high end provisional material for 40+% off of what you'd pay for the major brands? Go check out Dentalcrown from Itena at The Isolation 360 Power Pack is like a Whitman's sampler for dental isolation! Go check out this amazing selection of isolation products from our friends at Zirc at and if you buy online you'll receive 50% off the normal $50 value! Dr. Newton Fahl is one of the most sought after educators in all of dentistry and Cosmedent has him TWICE in July! Go check out his anterior composite course on July 11-12 at the Cosmedent CEE in Chicago and his posterior composite course on July 25-26th at! The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 26,500 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at! Go Hack Yourself Jason: Dentsply Sirona SpaceFile Alan: 2018 Ford Fusion Hybrid Titanium If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the Dental Hacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:! If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.
Direct download: DHP_243_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Thu, 6 June 2019
Welcome to our new podcast that we're calling "Smithson on..." The podcast will feature one of our most popular returning guests on the Dental Hacks podcast, Dr. Jason Smithson. Jason is a clinical dentist and educator from the UK. Dental Hacks co-hosts Jason and Alan met at a Jason Smithson course at Cosmedent in Chicago in September of 2013 where the idea for the Dental Hacks podcast was hatched. You could say that Jason Smithson had a big effect on us and we're glad that he's going to be part of the growing Dental Hacks Podcast Network! One thing we've learned about Jason is that he's a great storyteller. Add to that his mastery of restorative dentistry and his knack for teaching it to other dentists and you've got a pretty compelling guy. Our new podcast will feature conversations between Al and Jason (Smithson) on focused topics, most often related to clinical dentistry. I think you'll see that it's a pretty great listen. We're kicking off our first episode with a discussion of science and the somewhat twisted relationship that it has with dentistry. If you have any questions or comments about the episode please email us at or better still, post it on the Dental Hacks Nation Facebook group! We'd like to welcome Jason to our podcast network and we're glad he's here!
Direct download: Smithson_on_Science_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Wed, 5 June 2019
Dr. Chris Salierno knows dental meetings. As editor of Dental Economics magazine, he spends a LOT of time in dental meetings! In today's Daily Chris and I discuss how dental meetings are changing and how they still have a future! Some links from the show: The Dental Economics Principles of Practice Management meeting The Voices of Dentistry Meeting The Dental Economics “Principles of Practice Management” conference is like no other meeting you’ve ever been to! It’s a limited attendance meeting of like minded people that want to learn how to run their businesses better! You get no fluff. No “sign up for my course” kind of thing. Good information delivered in a more intimate meeting environment with lots of access to the speakers! The conference is in beautiful Norfolk, VA this July 18th-19th! Get more details and sign up at The Dental Hacks Nation gets a $100 discount on the already low DE price just by using the coupon code “DENTALHACKS.” This is a limited time offer, so act now! Even better, they offer even more discounts for bringing your friends! See details on the website! Our friends at Microcopy Dental have released a bunch of new diamonds specifically for pediatric dentistry! They've got six amazing diamond shapes and grits and they all come with short shanks for pediatric dentistry! Go check out these amazing new diamonds at!
Direct download: DHD_99_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Tue, 4 June 2019
Welcome to season 1, episode 1 of the Clinical Hacks Podcast! Our first episode comes from a live recording at Voices of Dentistry in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona. We sat down in the tent, put on some headsets and a podcast was born! Introducing the Clinical Hacks: Dr. Kevin Fryer  Dr. Mac Jones  Dr. Zach Meiners  Highlights today include: - What composites do we use? Why?
- How do these choices affect inventory control and procedure predictability?
- Do different composites accomplish different things?
Products talked about in the episode: Mac: Filtek One Filtek Supreme Ultra Renamel Fuji 2 Anchor Buildup Kevin: GC Kalore SDR Flowable Absolute Dentin Zach: Estelite Sigma Quick Beautifil2 Z250 Bulk EZ Equia Forte If you want to interact with us, head over to the closed Facebook Group Clinical Hacks We want to produce episodes about the questions you have, it's a great place to post a clinical topic, you don't even have to post a photo!
Direct download: Clinical_Hacks_on_Composite_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST
Mon, 3 June 2019
The Dental Hacks have been a pretty big fan of Dr. Jihyon Kim ever since we met her at the Bioclear Learning Center in Tacoma! She's been a big part of getting the word out about patient centered care and direct injection molded dentistry. She recently announced that she's leaving the Bioclear Learning Center and moving in some exciting directions! For one thing, she's making waves with her new social media presence and she'll even be presenting at the Dental Influencers Alliance (DIA) 2.0 meeting on December 6-7th at the DoubleTree in Scottsdale, AZ! Take a listen to hear about her new directions and the exciting things she wants to bring to dentistry! Some links from the show: Jihyon's Instagram Jihyon's website Jihyon's Youtube channel The Dental Influencer Alliance Our friends at Microcopy Dental have released a bunch of new diamonds specifically for pediatric dentistry! They've got six amazing diamond shapes and grits and they all come with short shanks for pediatric dentistry! Go check out these amazing new diamonds at! The Dental Economics “Principles of Practice Management” conference is like no other meeting you’ve ever been to! It’s a limited attendance meeting of like minded people that want to learn how to run their businesses better! You get no fluff. No “sign up for my course” kind of thing. Good information delivered in a more intimate meeting environment with lots of access to the speakers! The conference is in beautiful Norfolk, VA this July 18th-19th! Get more details and sign up at The Dental Hacks Nation gets a $100 discount on the already low DE price just by using the coupon code “DENTALHACKS.” This is a limited time offer, so act now! Even better, they offer even more discounts for bringing your friends! See details on the website!
Direct download: DHD_98_mixdown_01.mp3
Category: dental
-- posted at: 5:00am EST