The Very Dental Podcast Network

Dr. Erin Elliott joined the Dental Hacks for a lighthearted conversation at DS World 2018! Also sitting in on this impromptu Brain Trust is our friend Dr. Drew Byrnes.

Erin explained how the 3D Dentists Bus Tour went as well as her meet up with Dr. Rich Constantine, aka: the Dancing Dentist! This one was a fun one!

Erin's links:

3D Dentists

Erin's website

Komet has done it again! They've created the Cut, Finish and Polish kit for zirconia and lithium disilicate. You can cut it off, adjust it and polish it...all with one great kit! Go check it out at and take advantage of an amazing Komet discount! Buy $300 worth of our favorite Komet products on the website and use the coupon code "HACKS100" and receive $100 off your order!

Our friends at Itena have a nanocomposite that you NEED to try! It's called Reflectys. It's a universal composite that comes in compules or syringes, 16 shades and is satisfyingly radioopaque! Go find out more at! You can buy Reflectys through the following dealers: DC Dental, Henry Schein, Benco, Dental Health Products and Pearson Dental. You can request a free sample by emailing Callie Schutt at!


Direct download: DHD_ep_46_mixdown_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Today's episode features Shane Simmons of Crimson Media Group. They are a company that helps dentists with marketing their practices. Shane is also the host of the "Nothing But the Tooth" podcast!

In today's episode Shane shares with us three easy things that can help your practice show up in the coveted Google Maps three pack! I'm not going to lie to you...I went ahead and made one simple change on my Google My Business page today and it was effortless!

Shane's links:

Nothing but the Tooth podcast

Crimson Media Group

Bright Local

Shane's email:

Komet has done it again! They've created the Cut, Finish and Polish kit for zirconia and lithium disilicate. You can cut it off, adjust it and polish it...all with one great kit! Go check it out at and take advantage of an amazing Komet discount! Buy $300 worth of our favorite Komet products on the website and use the coupon code "HACKS100" and receive $100 off your order!

Our friends at Itena have a nanocomposite that you NEED to try! It's called Reflectys. It's a universal composite that comes in compules or syringes, 16 shades and is satisfyingly radioopaque! Even better, it's an "A+ nanocomposite at a C+ price!" Go find out more at! You can buy Reflectys through the following dealers: DC Dental, Henry Schein, Benco, Dental Health Products and Pearson Dental. You can request a free sample by emailing Callie Schutt at!


Direct download: DHD_45_mixdown_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

When Missy Fryer and Mary Beth Bajornas joined us last year to talk about their new Dental Office Survival Manual it was one of the most downloaded episodes of the entire podcast! Well, they're back. And they're better than ever!

Mary Beth and Missy talked with Jason and Alan about how important it is to have a really well trained team and how it's an ongoing process. We discussed:

  • How hiring is becoming more of a struggle and it's getting WORSE rather than better
  • Strategies for hiring a great team member
  • Why employees and doctors get mad about each other and how to fix it (hint: it's about training)
  • Why delegating and allowing your team to work at the top of their training is best for everyone
  • Some innovative internal marketing strategies that involve the team

Missy and Mary Beth are a real resource for dentistry. They're offering a 10% discount by using the coupon code: hacks. (15% off if you include a photo of JLips in a Speedo)

Missy and Mary Beth's links:

Buckeye Dental Productions

Dental Support Specialists

Links from the show:

JLips did some decorating for fall at Brush Up Dental! This is what happens when someone accidentally drives their car into the front of your dental office! Who else but our very own JLips can turn this into a marketing moment?

The Voices of Dentistry meeting is going to have an amazing speaker line up! Keep your eyes on Facebook and Instagram to watch as we roll out huge names like: Dr. Jamison Spencer, Dr. Tarun Agarwal, Dr. Erin Elliott and the most popular dental speaker of all time...Dr. Jason Lipscomb! The Voices of Dentistry will be at the DoubleTree resort on January 25-26! Go buy your tickets at right now. need to check out two amazing courses coming up at the CEE! First, our friend Dr. Corky Willhite is teaching his “Ultimate Esthetics” anterior composite course. Corky will be teaching this course on December 6th and 7th as well as May 23rd and 24th of 2019. If you’re interested you can find more information at Also coming up is Dr. Bob Margeas teaching Practical Tips Utilizing Composite Resin in the Everyday Practice on December 14-15th which you can check out at Two great courses in Downtown Chicago at the legendary CEE!

Everyone has those instruments that you’re glad to have, but maybe you don’t use them every day. Or maybe even every week. You paid a bunch for them and you want to take good care of them, but they don’t really fit in any particular regular set up or cassette. Our friends at Zirc have you covered! They have a product called the “Performance Tool Organizer.” It’s a compact cassette made for exactly these instruments! Check it out at Use coupon code DHPTO for a special “buy 4 get one free” deal! 


Listen up Dental Hacks Nation...Jason and I are heading to Spear Education! We’re going to be taking “Treating the Worn Dentition” on November 29th and 30th and the legendary Facially Generated Treatment Planning from December 1st to the 3rd. First, we’d like to invite you to come take Treating the Worn Dentition with us! There are a few spots left and you can find out more information at if you want to check that out. But even better...we’re going to be interviewing some of the Spear Education rock stars while we’re there! We'll be doing “Ask Me Anything” segments with Dr. Gregg Kinzer, Dr. Gary DeWood and Dr. Steve Ratcliff and you can submit questions in the Dental Hacks Nation Facebook group! 

The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at!

Go Hack Yourself:

Jason: Z Prime Plus from Bisco

Alan: Adobe Audition 2019

If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the DentalHacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:!

If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.



Direct download: Dental_Hacks_ep_211.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Dr. Drew Byrnes is back one more time! In today's episode Drew talks about his new "in house" financing software. Would you like to be able to offer more payment plans but not lose a large % to a third party? Drew's focus is on Fee for Service dentistry and he's found that offering his patients an easy payment plan attracts patients that are more likely to accept more comprehensive treatment plans! Drew's software administers the plan for you and helps you track everything you need to offer payment plans in house! Also worth noting...the first 100 offices to sign up receive a significant discount on the monthly fee!

Drew's links:

The Fee for Service Dentist podcast

Dental Financing Direct

Dental Membership Direct

The Chicago Study Club (use coupon code "chicagohacks")

Komet has done it again! They've created the Cut, Finish and Polish kit for zirconia and lithium disilicate. You can cut it off, adjust it and polish it...all with one great kit! Go check it out at and take advantage of an amazing Komet discount! Buy $300 worth of our favorite Komet products on the website and use the coupon code "HACKS100" and receive $100 off your order!

Our friends at Itena have a nanocomposite that you NEED to try! It's called Reflectys. It's a universal composite that comes in compules or syringes, 16 shades and is satisfyingly radioopaque! Go find out more at! You can buy Reflectys through the following dealers: DC Dental, Henry Schein, Benco, Dental Health Products and Pearson Dental. You can request a free sample by emailing Callie Schutt at!


Direct download: DHD_ep_44_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

We're featuring an entire week of Dr. Drew Byrnes! Not only is Drew building a new office, he's got some other really cool projects he's working on! One of them is called "Dental Membership Direct." Drew's focus is on Fee for Service dentistry and he's found that offering his patients a membership plan attracts patients that aren't focused on using dental benefits! Drew's software administers the plan for you and helps you track everything you need to track in your membership plan!

Drew's links:

The Fee for Service Dentist podcast

Dental Membership Direct

The Chicago Study Club (use coupon code "chicagohacks")


Our friends at Itena have a nanocomposite that you NEED to try! It's called Reflectsys. It's a universal composite that comes in compules or syringes, 16 shades and is satisfyingly radioopaque! Go find out more at! You can buy Reflectsys through the following dealers: DC Dental, Henry Schein, Benco, Dental Health Products and Pearson Dental. You can request a free sample by emailing Callie Schutt at!

Komet has done it again! They've created the Cut, Finish and Polish kit for zirconia and lithium disilicate. You can cut it off, adjust it and polish it...all with one great kit! Go check it out at and take advantage of an amazing Komet discount! Buy $300 worth of our favorite Komet products on the website and use the coupon code "HACKS100" and receive $100 off your order!

Direct download: Dental_Hacks_Daily_ep_43.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

We always enjoy talking with a fellow podcaster, so the Dental Hacks are excited to welcome Dr. Drew Byrnes to the show! Drew's podcast is called the Fee For Service Dentist Podcast and it's all about running a practice that is free from the confines of insurance! Now, that's not all unicorns and rainbows to be sure, but Drew talks about all the pros and cons of the FFS practice with a variety of guests every single week.

The other thing going on in Drew's life...he's building a new office! This is where we spend most of our time in the interview and we think it's an incredibly enlightening talk! In our interview with Drew we discuss:

  • The importance of understanding the lease when you buy a practice!
  • How important is it to work with a "dental only" design team?
  • How long will it take to build from start to finish and what, exactly does that entail?
  • Banks don't care about your feelings
  • What questions should you ask when building or renovating a space? What are the things you'll likely forget?

We'd like to thank Drew for being super honest and open about his experience and we promise to follow up with him as the process moves forward! In the mean time be sure to subscribe to the Fee For Service Dentist Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts!

Links from the show:

Our clinical hack of the week features another tip from Dr. Brian McGue! This time Brian gives us an idea on how to possibly avoid surgical extraction of upper molars using what he calls "the two handed extraction technique."

Sure the Voices of Dentistry meeting is going to have an amazing speaker line up, but did you know we're going to be doing karaoke on Friday night during the reception? Are you more Huey Lewis or AC/DC? Taylor Swift or 4 Non Blondes? Either way you can get your karaoke on in Scottsdale! The Voices of Dentistry will be at the DoubleTree resort on January 25-26! Go buy your tickets at right now!

Have you ever noticed that you tend to migrate toward specific instruments when you work with composite? I'll shoot straight with you...I have a tray full of really cool Cosmedent composite instruments, but I tend to use the Posterior Occlusal Contouring Instrument (small) and the Multi-use Composite Instrument in the posterior. And don't even talk to me unless you hand me the IPCL instrument in the anterior. But the good news is that Cosmedent makes all shapes and sizes and they're all titanium coated and non-stick! Find your favorite at

Zirc wants you to do better dentistry and they're doing their part by offering an amazing deal on their brand new 360 Isolation Power Pack! The Isolation 360 Power Pack is a complete kit of all of Zirc's isolation products in one awesome package! It includes Mr.Thirsty (both sizes), the Insti-Dam (Relaxed & Original), Pink Petal, Airway Armor, Lingua-Fix and SE Cushions. Even better...there is a guide that helps you decide what products work best in what situation! Go check out the 360 Isolation Power Pack at!

Do your patients have worn teeth? (OK. Yes. Dumb question.) Do you feel confident diagnosing and treating a worn dentition? (Tougher question, right?) Spear Education offers the most comprehensive and authoritative strategies for diagnosing and treating worn teeth. The seminar "Treating the Worn Dentition" is coming up on November 29th-30th at the Spear Center in Scottsdale, AZ. Don't miss your chance to see this amazing course at a solid (and rare) discounted price! Taught by Dr. Frank Spear, Dr. Gregg Kinzer and Dr. Jeff Rouse, it's a powerhouse seminar that is not to be missed! Go check it out at

The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at!

Go Hack Yourself:

Jason: Instapage

Alan: The Dream

If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the DentalHacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:!

If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.



Direct download: Dental_Hacks_ep_210.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Jason and Alan met Victor Lembo of Salli USA at DS World in Orlando a few weeks back. Alan has been using Salli saddle chairs in the office for about 15 years but was really excited to see them at a dental meeting for the first time! Both Dental Hacks bought a Salli Sway chair at the meeting. Alan is ready to buy a second! Take a listen as Victor explains the companies philosophy and some of the options you can try with Salli seating!

Links from the show: 

Salli USA website

A small tragedy happened in my life. No one worry. I'm OK. I dropped my handpiece. It bent the only Jackie crown cutter that I had. So...I have to get some more. Whatever your favorite bur for cutting zirconia crowns is, throw it out. Get rid of it. Run, don't walk, to try this bur. A Jackie crown cutter in an electric handpiece with water spray cuts zirconia much like a cross cut fissure carbide cuts metal. Un. Freaking. Real. Get one. Now. Use the coupon code HACKS100 to save $100 off of an order. Check them out at:

There is a lot of talk on the Dental Hacks Nation Facebook page about whether pit and fissure sealants are a good thing or not. Obviously it depends on how well they're done. We're here to tell you that Prevent Seal self etching pit and fissure sealant can help simplify a procedure that's often dumbed down for the wrong reasons. Go check out Prevent Seal by Itena at If you'd like to try a sample of Prevent Seal be sure to email us at and we'll make sure you get one!

Direct download: Dental_Hacks_Daily_ep_42.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Jason and Alan were lucky enough to get a LOT of Dr. Jeff Rouse's time at DS World before he jumped on the "big stage." In today's epsiode he tells us about how airway affects pregnancy and new mothers as well as how jaw surgery can affect different types of patients. How do you make a referral to an oral surgeon for the type of surgery that may help airway patients? What's the difference between surgery for esthetics vs. airway? Tons of great information from one of our favorite guests!

Links from the show: 

"Sleep, Interrupted" by Dr. Stephen Park

There is a lot of talk on the Dental Hacks Nation Facebook page about whether pit and fissure sealants are a good thing or not. Obviously it depends on how well they're done. We're here to tell you that Prevent Seal self etching pit and fissure sealant can help simplify a procedure that's often dumbed down for the wrong reasons. Go check out Prevent Seal by Itena at

A small tragedy happened in my life. No one worry. I'm OK. I dropped my handpiece. It bent the only Jackie crown cutter that I had. So...I have to get some more. Whatever your favorite bur for cutting zirconia crowns is, throw it out. Get rid of it. Run, don't walk, to try this bur. A Jackie crown cutter in an electric handpiece with water spray cuts zirconia much like a cross cut fissure carbide cuts metal. Un. Freaking. Real. Get one. Now. Use the coupon code HACKS100 to save $100 off of an order. Check them out at:

Direct download: DHD_ep_41.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Jason and Alan sat down with Dr. August DeOliveira at last month's Dentsply Sirona world for a hilarious and informative interview! The talked about a lot of stuff:

[caption id="attachment_1017" align="alignright" width="317"] Dr. August De Oliveira is a huge fan of dead trees.[/caption]

  • Al is thinking of starting a podcast and maybe a Facebook group. We'll see how that works out.
  • August's speaking career
  • 3D printing
  • Guided surgery
  • The magic number that marketing companies seem to charge no matter the results
  • Naming traditions in the De Oliveira family

Links from the show:

Our clinical hack of the week features a tip from our very own Dr. Jason Lipscomb! He's using the Acteon Piezotome Cube for extractions. He just started using it recently and is finding it to be less traumatic and more predictable.

The Voices of Dentistry will be in Scottsdale, AZ on January 25-26! We have an amazing line up featuring some amazing speakers like: Dr. August De Oliviera, Dr. Baron Grutter and Dr. Cory Glenn, Dr. Erin Elliott and Dr. Tarun Agarwal, Dr. Jamison Spencer, Reese Harper CFP, Gary Takacs and a whole bunch more! It's time to book your room and buy your ticket at!

Zirc is offering an amazing deal on their brand new 360 Isolation Power Pack. The Isolation 360 Power Pack is a complete kit of all our isolation products in one awesome package! It include Mr.Thirsty (both sizes), the Insti-Dam (Relaxed & Original), Pink Petal, Airway Armor, Lingua-Fix and SE Cushions. Go check out the 360 Isolation Power Pack at!

"Implants-the Surgical/Restorative Connection" is being offered December 7-8th at the Spear Education campus in Scottsdale, AZ. If you act now, you can save $200 on your registration for this value packed course! It features Dr. Gregg Kinzer's restorative perspective and Dr.Jim Janakievski's surgical expertise to help you learn treatment planning, placement and restoration of implant restorations from simple to complex. Check it out and sign up at I don’t think you’re going to want to miss this one!

[caption id="attachment_1022" align="alignleft" width="284"] Dr. Bob Margeas will be teaching "Practical Tips Utilizing Composite Resin in the Everyday Practice" on December 14-15th![/caption]

Cosmedent is featuring a friend of the show in an amazing course this December! Dr. Bob Margeas is giving his course "Practical Tips Using Composite Resin in Everyday Practice" on December 14-15th. It's in the greatest classroom in all of dentistry, overlooking Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago and it promises to bring your composite skills to a new level! Go check out the course at

The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at!

Go Hack Yourself:

Jason: Engageform

Alan: The Incisive Decisive podcast with Dr. Shaun Sellars and Dr. Colin Campbell

If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the DentalHacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:!

If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.



Direct download: Dental_Hacks_ep_209.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Alan had a chance to speak with Emily Brayman of Microcopy Dental. Emily talks about her product called "Dentalvation." It's a way for dentists that have ideas for new and innovative products to help develop them into reality. Emily tells the story of an upcoming product from Microcopy called "Proxi-chek." It's a specialized indicating paper that helps dentists mark interproximal contacts prior to cementation of crowns. It's a brilliant little product and a classic "why didn't I think of that." If you have an idea for a new dental product, you should get in touch with Emily and take a look at the Dentalvation website!

Today is the last day to save $300 on registration for the Voices of Dentistry Podcast Summit!

If you've ever had to remove zirconia crowns before, you know what a pain it can be. That and expensive! How many burs do you usually go through? Komet understands. They created the "Jackie" for just this problem! A specially designed bur that cuts through zirconia "like butta." Go check out the Jackie at and take advantage of Komet's special Dental Hacks Nation deal! If you buy $300 in Jackie burs, deep purple burs, Footsie polishers or Prepmarker instruments on their website and use the coupon code "HACKS100," you'll get $100 off of your order and your choice of two of the amazing Cerabur slow speed caries removal burs!

Our friends at Itena have made sealants quicker, easier and more reliable! Check out PreventSeal, a no-etch and no rinse sealant material that releases fluoride at

Direct download: DHD_ep_40.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Dr. Shawn Van de Vyver of and the DOPE Lunch podcast joins Alan to talk about their experience buying and selling stuff on eBay. They've both had overwhelmingly good experiences and a few bad experiences. The morals of the story is 1) be careful when using eBay for big stuff and 2) romance isn't dead.

Just a couple days left to save $300 on registration for the Voices of Dentistry Podcast Summit!

Our friends at Itena have made sealants quicker, easier and more reliable! Check out PreventSeal, a no-etch and no rinse sealant material that releases fluoride at

If you've ever had to remove zirconia crowns before, you know what a pain it can be. That and expensive! How many burs do you usually go through? Komet understands. They created the "Jackie" for just this problem! A specially designed bur that cuts through zirconia "like butta." Go check out the Jackie at and take advantage of Komet's special Dental Hacks Nation deal! If you buy $300 in Jackie burs, deep purple burs, Footsie polishers or Prepmarker instruments on their website and use the coupon code "HACKS100," you'll get $100 off of your order and your choice of two of the amazing Cerabur slow speed caries removal burs!

Direct download: DHD_ep_39.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

The Dental Hacks had the chance to talk with another of Spear Education's faculty members! Dr. Bob Winter joined us to talk about a variety of topics including:

  • The value of learning dental technology and doing lab work
  • How working with friends and colleagues has made dentistry much more rewarding and fun
  • Why photography is so important and why it doesn't have to be that complicated
  • The importance of magnification
  • What one thing would Bob do for dentistry if he had a magic wand

Links from the show:

Our clinical hack of the week features a tip stolen from Dr. Jason Smithson off an undisclosed Facebook group. If you use polyvinyl for provisional matrices, place a bead of flowable or blockout resin around the gingival of the tooth prior to making the matrix for fat, easily trimmed provisional margins.

The Voices of Dentistry will be in Scottsdale, AZ on January 25-26! Go buy your tickets before October 10 for $300 off the normal ticket price!

Do your patients have worn teeth? (OK. Yes. Dumb question.) Do you feel confident diagnosing and treating a worn dentition? (Tougher question, right?) Spear Education offers the most comprehensive and authoritative strategies for diagnosing and treating worn teeth. The seminar "Treating the Worn Dentition" is coming up on November 29th-30th at the Spear Center in Scottsdale, AZ. Don't miss your chance to see this amazing course at a solid (and rare) discounted price! Taught by Dr. Frank Spear, Dr. Gregg Kinzer and Dr. Jeff Rouse, it's a powerhouse seminar that is not to be missed! Go check it out at


Zirc's Crystal HD mirror is simply the best dental mirror money can buy. It's made with a special process and reflects a ton more light than any mouth mirror you've used. In fact, it reflects 40% more light! More light means you can see more and better. Zirc is offering a special deal on their website. Order a 12 pack of Crystal HD mirrors and they'll throw in a Mirror Magic trial kit for free! Use coupon code "DHMM" with your order for the free Mirror Magic trial kit! See more details at

I recently had a talk with a friend of mine that's looking for a new provisional material. I told him about my favorite, MirrorImage from Cosmedent. He's interested, but isn't sure what shade to get because the case he's thinking of is pretty bright. I told him that Cosmedent has him covered. Right now, if you buy 2 of their 10mL syringes of MirrorImage and use the coupon code "free," they'll throw in an extra syringe! So you can try A1, B1 and Bleach! Go check it out at

The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at!

Go Hack Yourself:

Jason: Bellus3d app for iPhone

Alan: Samsung Smartthings Mesh Wifi

If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the DentalHacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:!

If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.



Direct download: Dental_Hacks_ep_208.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Dr. Russell Kirk of the Business of Dentistry podcast and ownR magazine joins Alan to talk about the negative aspects of social media and what they're doing to try and limit the time suck. 

Russell's links:

ownR magazine

The Business of Dentistry podcast

It's time to buy your tickets for the Voices of Dentistry podcast summit at the Doubletree Resort in Scottsdale, AZ on January 25-26! Go check it out at and save $300 on your ticket before October 10!

Komet USA has changed the way I prepare crowns. Between the amazing PrepMarker instruments to the smooth and fast cutting Deep Purple burs, things have really been looking up for my patients! You can check them out at and Order $300 in Deep Purple Burs, Prepmarker instruments or Footsie polishers and use the code "HACKS 100" at checkout from the website and you'll receive $100 off of your order as well as your choice of 2 Cerabur instruments for free!

Direct download: DHD_38_mixdown_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST

The Dental Hacks were joined by our friend Adam McWethy to talk about sales. Specifically...retail sales. Adam has a history that included retail sales and he has some valuable insights for our listeners...both as customers as well as people selling a product! We think you'll find what he has to say VERY valuable!

Adam's links:

Spear Education

"The Paradox of Choice" by Barry Schwartz

Komet USA has changed the way I prepare crowns. Between the amazing PrepMarker instruments to the smooth and fast cutting Deep Purple burs, things have really been looking up for my patients! You can check them out at and Order $300 in Deep Purple Burs, Prepmarker instruments or Footsie polishers and use the code "HACKS 100" at checkout from the website and you'll receive $100 off of your order as well as your choice of 2 Cerabur instruments for free!

Direct download: DHD_ep_37_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST