Wed, 30 January 2019
Mon, 28 January 2019
Lance was amazing at the Voices of Dentistry and is hilarious on the "Working Interferences" podcast with Dr. Josh Austin! Links from the show: Stress Management and Mindfulness for the Dental Professional (Dr. Dawn Kulongowski's group mentioned on the show)
Fri, 25 January 2019
Links from the show: Dr. Craig Harder gives us a Clinical Hack of the Week about making a jig for immediate dentures to maintain vertical when you reline! #whyVoD? We'll be LIVE STREAMING some of the speakers at VoD! Head over to the Dental Hacks Nation for details! Check out Implant Compare on Instagram! Corky Willhite is offering his amazing "Transitional Bonding" course at the Cosmedent CEE in Chicago on March 14-15th! This course focuses on the benefits and step-by-step techniques of transitional bonding, an extremely practical new option requiring little or no prep for most cases. This course will cover the rationale for using composite. Work on one tooth against an arch or plan for a full mouth rehabilitation. This hands-on course presents practical occlusal guidelines for predictable function and longevity – including increasing V.D.O. and building anterior guidance as well as how to handle bruxers and non-compliant patients. Go check it out at! The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at! Go Hack Yourself: Jason: The One Question Persuasion Course by Blair Warren Alan: Easy Pull Chopper and Manual Food Processor If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the Dental Hacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:! If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation. |
Wed, 23 January 2019
The Wonderist Agency is one if the sponsors of the Voices of Dentistry so make sure to find them when you're there! |
Mon, 21 January 2019
You should get Craig's newest book for free by clicking on Craig will be starting a podcast called "The Progressive Dentist," so keep your eyes open for that! Also...Craig is is one of the sponsors of the upcoming Voices of Dentistry!
Fri, 18 January 2019
Links from the show: Cliff Ruddle CD’s (Clean, Shape, Pack) Mark Oleson’s "Endodontics Unsponsored" courses John Khademi/Eric Herbranson episode #whyVoD? We're one week away from the most innovative dental meeting in the world! Come meet all of your internet pals at the funnest and most "networkable" dental meeting ever and stay at the gorgeous Double Tree resort in Scottsdale! The Voices of Dentistry will be at the DoubleTree resort on January 25-26! Go buy your tickets at right now.
The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at! Go Hack Yourself: Jason: Reddit Kevin: Hygenic Nonlatex rubber dam, Hedy Isodam Mac: Schwed gutta percha points Zach: Real World Endo, John Rhodes Endo Alan: Mac mini If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the Dental Hacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:! If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.
Wed, 16 January 2019
Mon, 14 January 2019
Links from the show: |
Fri, 11 January 2019
Links from the Show: #whyVoD? We're mere weeks away from the most innovative dental meeting in the world! Come meet all of your internet pals at the funnest and most "networkable" dental meeting ever and stay at the gorgeous Double Tree resort in Scottsdale! The Voices of Dentistry will be at the DoubleTree resort on January 25-26! Go buy your tickets at right now.
The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at! Go Hack Yourself: Jason: The Culture Code, by Daniel Coyle Alan: QDSLRDashboard If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the Dental Hacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:! If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation. |
Wed, 9 January 2019
Kiera Dent is here to help! Kiera has a bunch of actionable ideas that you're going to love!
Kiera's links: |
Mon, 7 January 2019
Links from the show: |
Fri, 4 January 2019
In today's episode Jason and Alan are joined by 3 Brain Trust noobs and they CRUSH IT! We have long time friends of the show (and Dental Hacks Nation) Dr. Craig Harder, Dr. Rusty Fitton and Dr. Daniel Smith join us for this live to tape episode that went all over the place! In episode 221 we discuss:
Some links from the show: Dr. Daniel Smith's episode of the "Alan Mead Experience" #whyVoD? Because the room block has been extended into January! Come meet all of your internet pals at the funnest and most innovative dental meeting ever and stay at the gorgeous Double Tree resort in Scottsdale! The Voices of Dentistry will be at the DoubleTree resort on January 25-26! Go buy your tickets at right now.
The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has over 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at! Go Hack Yourself: Jason: Yongnuo LED Wand Rusty: Rumble Roller Daniel: Salvin PDL-evator Craig: An idea notebook for capturing ideas on the fly (for instance, like this one!) Alan: Pixel 3 XL phone If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the Dental Hacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:! If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation.
Wed, 2 January 2019
Kiera Dent has a different take on firing. Why not make it so the employee that needs to go understands exactly why they're going, expects it and maybe even thanks you? Does it sound too good to be true? You need to take a listen to how she does it! Kiera's links: |