The Very Dental Podcast Network

Alan speaks with Dr. Caroline Zeller about the evolving coronovirus situation in the United States. Caroline is a dentist in an interesting situation. She has advanced training in oral surgery and splits her time amongst 4 different practices in Oregon delivering oral surgery services to underserved populations. She's working on her masters in public health, she's a delegate to the ADA and she's on the board of the Oregon Dental Association. As well, she has a terrific podcast called "Removing the Bite Block." In the episode we discuss the increasing pressure from our professional organizations for dentists to move to "emergency only" treatment. A few highlights:

  • If you think we're talking about universal precautions, you're missing the point. This is about people staying home and social distancing.
  • What constitutes an emergency: pain, swelling, fever and infection.

Our friends at Microcopy Dental have been making Damn Good Burs for more than 50 years! You need to give their single patient use burs a try! You need to request a free sample of their damn good NeoDiamond 1116.8C. It's a work horse round end taper coarse bur for crown preps and operative. It's a terrific bur by any standard, but the fact that it's single patient use means there's no risk of cross contamination and you always get a great cutting, brand-new-out-of-the-package bur. Go check it out at! Let Microcopy's experience change the way you see dentistry with their damn good burs!

Direct download: ep_14_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST