If one is good, more is better right? Dr. Joshua Austin is kind of like that guy with a big collection of sports cars, except nerdier. He's got a bunch of loupes and we discuss why you need to use them! Also headlamps.
Some links from the show:
[caption id="attachment_1313" align="alignleft" width="322"]
Josh's "Wall of Fame"[/caption]
Designs for Vision
Josh's podcast, "Working Interferences"
Microcopy dental is so sure that you’ll love their products that they’ve build their business around giving free samples! I’ve been using Microcopy burs for over 10 years and I love the convenience and that “new bur feeling” every time I prepare a tooth! So go take the Microcopy challenge at dentalhacks.com/challenge! You’ve got nothing to lose and you may just find a favorite new bur!
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